Why PR Should Form Part Of Your Strategy

PR is a key element in building your brand and securing your longevity, and should form part of any brand’s growing strategy. Here are four reasons as to why. 


Press has the potential to drive sales, however, one of the biggest benefits (from good PR) is having your product seen by your target customers. Regular coverage in publications and spaces where your target consumers are, means your brand is always at the forefront of people’s minds; even if they do not need to buy your product or service straight away, they know of you (and is constantly reminded of you), which means you’re already one step ahead of your competitors.


Being seen as credible is essential for growing your customer base - people are always more likely to purchase from a trusted brand. Having your products featured in publications or on influencers assures potential customers that you are a viable brand worth buying from. Whether your aim is to drive sales, gain new stockists or increase your brand awareness, having the press’s sign of approval is a massive boost.


If people emotionally invest in you and your story/ethos they are more likely to emotionally (and financially) invest in your product. Alongside press pieces that allow your customer to get to know you and your brand better, it is equally as important to communicate elements of your brand that adds value and personality. Building a connection with your customers create a strong brand identity, makes your brand more memorable and customers are more likely to purchase with you again. 


PR and marketing work towards the same goal. That is why both should be an integral part of your strategy and why your marketing plans should align with your PR efforts. Moreover, If your marketing is not up to scratch (that includes your social media, website, content etc) then you won’t see the full return on your PR investment.

PR is a long term investment and when done well and strategically, PR can help elevate your business and grow your customer base. Working closely with our clients we’ve generated great results and you can have a look at some of them here.

Rosie Davies