LFA Behind The Scenes – Meet Shannon


Shannon is a Northern Irish bookworm and office DJ whose passions include feminism, gingers, and pickled onion Monster Munch. When not watching Bake Off, you'll find her playing darts with Cecilie.


What do you put on your toast?

An unhealthy amount of Lurpak and usually some of Cecilie's cheese (sorry).

What’s your feel-good song?

When You're Gone by Bryan Adams and Mel C - it reminds me of moving to Brixton and it's just SO GOOD.

Ask your best friend to describe you in 3 words:

"Ambitious/ Endearingly awkward but not at all awkward - I don't know how to phrase it/ What's a word for people who people gravitate towards, do you get me?"

(She's great at this 3 words thing)

What are you most proud of?

Surviving my first year in London after moving here alone. It was challenging and at times really lonely, but I've come out with a great friends and a job I love.

You can only watch one film for the rest of your life. What is it?

Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (the Gene Wilder one, obviously).

What’s the best discovery you’ve ever made?

LFA (I'm not just trying to earn brownie points, promise..) - I've learned so much in the past 7 months, and plus the girls actively encourage me playing Taylor Swift in the office. Win win!

Something you want to achieve in the next year?

To get my writing published in a magazine - watch this space!

What’s your favourite smell?

Petrol. Sweet, sweet petrol.

What would you tell your 15-year-old self?

For heaven's sake stop texting that boy whilst on holiday - Mum will use that £500 phone bill against you for the rest of time.

What are you having for dinner tonight?

Probably a pizza from Mamma Dough in Brixton. I have no willpower.

Follow me on: @shannonlchristie

Rosie Davies