How To Send Emails Your Customers Will Love

Newsletters shouldn't be an overlooked part of your brand's marketing strategy. Clever email marketing allows you to connect with your audience in a personalised way, while also having the potential to effectively drive sales. We've put together a few tips on how to send out emails that your audience will read and engage with.

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Keep it visual

Your newsletter should be nicely designed with the right balance of beautiful images, headers and brand colours. The odd GIF or moving image is also a great way to grab attention, but is not a must. An eye-catching, yet clean and consistent layout will encourage your audience to read and (hopefully) engage. Try and keep the text to a minimum as you don't want to overwhelm your readers; short and conversational copy (in your brand's tone of voice) alongside nice visuals will get you a long way. And don't forget easy-to-tap calls to actions. 

Show personality

Promoting the occasional offer along with new product releases are great, but don't forget to incorporate some personal content to mix it up a little. This can range from linking to your own blog content to studio updates. Don't worry if you haven't been up to anything exciting. Your audience will just enjoy having a peek behind your brand, whether that's a trip to your factory, stockist or a team day out by the seaside. Personality will add so much value and it will also enable your customers to establish an emotional connection with you and your brand. 

Step into the shoes of your customer

Nowadays, your customers value content that goes beyond offers and promotions. Sharing relevant information and news that fit with both your brand and your customers lifestyle will keep your customers engaged. Perhaps you've been to a great exhibition, discovered a great new publication or listened to an interesting podcast. As long as it's relevant to your customers, don't be afraid to add lifestyle-y and inspirational content. 

Personalisation and automation

Emails with personalised subject lines are more likely to be opened as they add a human factor to your newsletters. Setting up triggers is another good and time-efficient way of keeping things personal. These triggers will enable you to pre-make emails to be sent automatically to subscribers when they meet a certain condition. This can range from welcome emails when first signing up to your customer's birthdays. 

Need some inspiration? Have a look at a few brands who are nailing their email marketing here


Rosie Davies